Six Contrapuntal Etudes - M. A. Cruz (2009)

This set of six pieces may be best described as a collection of baroque inspired works whichexplore lessons in the various species of counterpoint. While each etude was designed with aspecific species in mind, this variety of species is dispersed freely throughout the collection.

These pieces are not limited to one style but also use impressionistic, romantic and classicalinfluence while excersizing counterpoint. The goal for such diversity in this collection is to createmoments of contrast to avoid a sense of tedium. Number one, for example, practices third specieswithin measures 9 through 12 but exhibits a clear departure from any hint of counterpoint insurrounding material. Number two is a modern tonal work which uses a variety of species but in theend, leaves the listener with the impression that he has just heard a prelude. For the greatest momentof contrast, number four avoids use of species altogether, but rather, uses a compositional devicefrequently used in the baroque period consisting of a subject made up entirely of sixteenth noteswith an implied pedal point against a melodic subject that falls. This device is probably bestrecognized in J. S. Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.

Number six incorporates two measures of a himeola in measures 24 and 25 while the remainderof the study uses three against one as the foundation for this final etude marked vivace.

Other didactic material within this collection are scales, right-hand arpeggios, horizontaldovetailing of voices (fourth species), repeated chords, syncopation and slurs.

Publication's Style: Soft Cover 9" X 12"
Pages: 13
Level of Difficulty: Advanced
General Description: Etudes for Solo Guitar
Catalog Number: 74478

 Contrapuntal Etude No. 1

 Contrapuntal Etude No. 2

 Contrapuntal Etude No. 6

